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Normal equations

by , PhD

In linear regression analysis, the normal equations are a system of equations whose solution is the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimator of the regression coefficients.

The normal equations are derived from the first-order condition of the Least Squares minimization problem.

Table of Contents

Simple linear regression

Let us start from the simple linear regression model[eq1]where:

There are $N,$ observations in the sample: $i=1,ldots ,N$.

Normal equations in the simple regression model

The normal equations for the simple regression model are:[eq2]where $widehat{lpha }$ and $widehat{eta }$ (the two unknowns) are the estimators of $lpha $ and $eta $.


The OLS estimators of $lpha $ and $eta $, denoted by $widehat{lpha }$ and $widehat{eta }$, are derived by minimizing the sum of squared residuals:[eq3]We carry out the minimization by computing the first-order conditions for a minimum. In other words, we calculate the derivatives of $SSR$ with respect to $widehat{lpha }$ and $widehat{eta }$, and we set them equal to zero:[eq4]We divide the two equations by $2$ and obtain the equivalent system[eq5]Since[eq6]we can write[eq7]which are the two normal equations displayed above.

Thus, in the case of a simple linear regression, the normal equations are a system of two equations in two unknowns ($widehat{lpha }$ and $widehat{eta }$).

If the system has a unique solution, then the two values of $widehat{lpha }$ and $widehat{eta }$ that solve the system are the OLS estimators of the intercept $lpha $ and the slope $eta $ respectively.

Multiple linear regression

In a multiple linear regression, in which there is more than one regressor, the regression equation can be written in matrix form:[eq8]where:

Normal equations in the multiple regression model

The normal equations for the multiple regression model are expressed in matrix form as[eq9]where the unknown $widehat{eta }$ is a Kx1 vector (the estimator of $eta $).


The OLS estimator of the vector $eta $, denoted by $widehat{eta }$, is derived by minimizing the sum of squared residuals, which can be written in matrix form as follows:[eq10]In order to find a minimizer, we compute the first-order condition for a minimum. We calculate the gradient of $SSR$ (the vector of partial derivatives with respect to the entries of $widehat{eta }$) and we set it equal to zero:[eq11]We divide the equations by $2$ and obtain[eq12]which is a system of normal equations expressed in matrix form.

Thus, in the case of the multiple regression model, the normal equations, expressed above in matrix form, are a system of K equations in K unknowns (the K entries of the coefficient vector $eta $).

If the system has a unique solution, the value of $widehat{eta }$ that solves the system is the OLS estimator of the vector $eta $.

How to solve the normal equations

As stated above, the normal equations are just a system of K linear equations in K unknowns.

Therefore, we can employ the standard methods for solving linear systems.

For example, if the equations are expressed in matrix form and the matrix $X^{	op }X$ is invertible, we can write the solution as[eq13]

More details

More mathematical details about the normal equations and the OLS estimator can be found in these lectures:


If you want to double check the formulae and the derivations shown above, you can check these references:

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Next entry: Null hypothesis

How to cite

Please cite as:

Taboga, Marco (2021). "Normal equations", Lectures on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Kindle Direct Publishing. Online appendix.

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