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by , PhD

An event is a subset of the set of all possible outcomes of a probabilistic experiment.

The concept of event is fundamental in probability theory. In fact, whenever we speak about probability, we explicitly or implicitly refer to the probability of an event.

Table of Contents

Set notation

The set of all possible outcomes is called sample space and it is usually denoted by Omega.

Thus, an event E is a subset of Omega, which is indicated by[eq1]where $subseteq $ is the inclusion symbol.


If the probabilistic experiment is the roll of a die, the set of all possible outcomes is[eq2]

In this setting, three instances of events are[eq3]

The event A could be described in words as "An odd number appears face up".

The event $B$ could be described as "A number strictly greater than four appears face up".

The event $C$ could be described as "The number $2$ appears face up".

In case you are wondering about the curly-bracket notation, you are strongly advised to revise the introductory lecture on set theory, where we explain how the notation is used.

Example of an event in a probabilistic experiment: a dice is thrown and there are six possible outcomes. A subset comprising two of the possible outcomes is an event.

Probability of an event

In a probabilistic model, each event E is assigned a probability [eq4], which measures how likely it is that E will happen.

Example If, as in the above example, the probabilistic experiment is the roll of a die, we could have[eq5]and [eq6]In other words, the probabilities of the events $C$ and $B$ are one and two sixths, respectively.

Special events

There are some events that have special names.

Sure event

A sure event is an event that always happens. It coincides with the set of all possible outcomes.

If we employ the same notation used above, Omega is the sure event.

In the roll-of-a-die example, the sure event Omega could be described in words as "Any one of the numbers from 1 to 6 appears face up".

Impossible event

An impossible event is an event that never happens. It coincides with the empty set $emptyset $.

You can find a careful discussion of this apparently strange definition in the glossary entry on impossible events.

Union of events

When we compute probabilities, we often deal with the union of two or more events.

The union of two events A and $B$ is itself an event. It comprises all the outcomes that belong to A or to $B$.

In the above example, we had[eq7]

Then, the union of A and $B$, denoted by $Acup B$, is[eq8]

Intersection of events

The intersection of A and $B$ is the event that comprises all the outcomes that belong both to A and to $B$.

If A and $B$ are defined as above, then the intersection of A and $B$, denoted by $Acap B$, is[eq9]

Mutually exclusive events

Two events are said to be mutually exclusive if their intersection is equal to the empty set.

For example, [eq10]and[eq11]are mutually exclusive because[eq12]

Events as measurable sets

In simple probabilistic settings, all subsets of the sample space Omega are considered events. However, there are also more complicated settings in which some subsets of Omega cannot be considered events. In those complicated settings, the sets that can be considered events are called measurable sets (see the lecture on Probability).

More details

For other examples and more detailed explanations of the concept of event, you can go to the lecture entitled Probability.

Moreover, you might be interested in the following more advanced concepts:

Keep reading the glossary

Previous entry: Estimator

Next entry: Factorial

How to cite

Please cite as:

Taboga, Marco (2021). "Event", Lectures on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Kindle Direct Publishing. Online appendix.

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